Rebar Shearing Line GJW150C has advanced technology is introduced from Europe,the high efficiency also high endurance and humane designs are safe and reliable,many units have patents for invention.
Features of Rebar Saw Cutting Line GJW150C (150t 600mm)
Hot rolling wires will be saw sheared, transported, stored and processed by the machine, the whole process is controlled by the computer, it's mainly used for construction projects of tunnels, bridges, railways and rebar threading industry.
It has a double column structure ensures fast sawing, sawing gap is narrow;
Available sawing width 600mm, high production;
V-belt drive no need lubrication, low noise;
Unilateral large platform storage rack;
Advanced servo control system ensures high sawing accuracy;
Max rebar sawing diameter 50mm;
It can be used with threading equipment.
Related Products Rebar Saw Cutting Line GJW150C (150t 600mm)
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Complete with stairs, platform on two sides, side gangways guarantees fully safe operation.
The feeding station is made of heavy duty welded frames, which are bolted together with stabilizing sections.
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More Detail Rebar Saw Cutting Line GJW150C (150t 600mm)
Characteristics of Rebar Saw Cutting Line GJW150C
Rebar Saw Cutting Line GJW150C has advanced technology is introduced from Europe,the high efficiency also high endurance and humane designs are safe and reliable,many units have patents for invention;
High precision of PLC control,designed with high efficiency and high durability;
The cutter is made of special materials which prolong the life of the machine and increase the efficiency, the workers' safety is ensured by the covering of the machine;